Sam's Clinic
exercise & acupunture
Back pain, Sciatica, Frozen shoulder, Sports injuries, Headache, General pains. Registered at Cardiff Council
1. Why choose a medical acupuncturist?
Acupuncture may be very useful in improving symptoms you experience, such as pain. However, although acupuncture may help you to feel better, acupuncture will not cure a serious underlying problem, such as serious lung disease, heart disease, tumours or cancers, for example. It is, therefore, important that you continue to seek normal medical advice and continue with essential medical treatment. A medical acupuncturist will be able to discuss your medical problems with you, will understand the results of medical tests you have had, and will understand what medication you are taking and why. He or she can advise you on whether you need to consult your own doctor, and will be able to discuss your case with your own doctor, with your permission and when necessary.
2. How many sessions will I need?
That depends on your individual condition. At first your acupuncturist will normally ask to see you once or twice a week. You may start to feel benefits after the first or second treatment although long-standing and chronic conditions usually need more time to improve. Once your health has stabilised you may need top-up treatments every few weeks. Traditional acupuncture is also very effective when used as preventive healthcare and many people like to go for a 'retuning' session at the change of each season throughout the year.
3. What does it feel like?
Most people find acupuncture to be very relaxing. Patients often describe the needle sensation as a tingling or dull ache. This is one of the signs the body's qi, or vital energy, has been stimulated.
4. What should I do before a treatment?
Try not to have a large meal within an hour of your appointment as the process of digestion will alter the pattern of your pulse, and you may need to lie on your stomach. You should also avoid alcohol and food or drink that colours your tongue such as coffee or strong tea. It is a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothes so that the acupuncture points, especially those on your lower limbs, are easily accessible.
5. I'm scared of needles - can I still have acupuncture?
Yes. Certain styles like Korean hand acupuncture use needles that do not break the skin or are inserted extremely lightly. Acupuncture needles are very much finer than the needles used for injections and blood tests. You may not even feel them penetrate the skin and once in place they are hardly noticeable. On the other way, you can have a electric acupuncture without any needles.
6. Are there any unpleasant side effects?
Acupuncture has virtually no unpleasant side effects. Any that do occur are mild and self-correcting. Occasionally there may be minor bruising at the needle point or a short-term flare-up of your symptoms as your qi clears and resettles.
7. Should I tell my doctor that I'm having acupuncture?
If you are currently receiving treatment from your doctor it is sensible to mention that you plan to have acupuncture. Your acupuncturist will need to know about any medication you are taking as this may affect your response to the acupuncture treatment.
8. Should I still take my prescribed medication while I'm having a course of acupuncture?
Yes. The acupuncture treatment may enable you to reduce or even stop taking some forms of medication but you should always consult your doctor regarding any change of prescription. DO NOT stop taking medication without professional guidance.
9. Is it safe for babies, children and teenagers?
Yes. Children and adolescents usually respond very well to acupuncture. However it is good to over 8+age. Many acupuncturists specialise in paediatric care.
Contact Us
You can contact Sam directly
Phnone & Text : 07946 232745
E-mail : kendosaman@hotmail.com
Price : appointments of between half an hour and an hour between £40-£50.
Place: The Oasis Centre, Cf24 2BW(Mon-Wed) 9- 4pm
Pentwyn CF23 7BG(Thurs, Friday)
Booking Needed
Alternatively, please complete contact on the right
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